Why do I need CertifID?
Phishing attacks and scams continue to rise and have nearly tripled since 2019. Cybercriminals have become more vigilant and tech-savvy. With this growing threat, consumers and businesses need to become more educated, engaged, and sharp on how to combat and recognize these threats.
Focus has partnered with CertifID to optimize its wire transfer operations and reduce its threat from cyber-criminals. Certified is a real-time security platform that authenticates parties in a transaction and securely transfers wiring information.
CertifID will safely and securely deliver wire transfer instructions by…
Sending you an instructional email and text message
Validating your identity
Sending you Focus Title’s wire instructions (for buyers) OR delivering your bank account information to Focus Title (for sellers or borrowers)
Don’t get tricked at the last minute!
Visit the American Land Title Association wire fraud resource site for more information regarding wire fraud and protecting yourself against it.